Salubriousness and Shower Beers

A Non-Athlete's Guide to Fitness

Untold Riches

on November 15, 2014

As I came to what I knew was the end of the Beer & Bagel route (4.5-mile very challenging trail run), I was feeling really bummed because I hadn’t gotten to high five Sasquatch yet (it’s totally a thing). When I saw him at the bottom of the hill, I SQUEALED because even though I was pretty sure I was about to die, I WAS GOING TO HIGH FIVE FREAKING SASQUATCH.

I think this photo drives home why I run. I suck pretty hardcore at it; I’ll never be competitive, but it brings me moments like this: high fiving Sasquatch in the woods, or seeing hundreds of people lining a street to cheer on a bunch of strangers, or returning to your primal roots by hurtling down a wooded path. Without running, I wouldn’t be challenging my body to see what it is capable of–26.2 miles at once, or back-to-back half marathons, or running 100 miles in 30 days, or running almost every day between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. I wouldn’t know just how delicious a Runza tastes after 13.1 miles, or a burger after “the toughest trail run in the Midwest,” or a beer after a hard effort on a run.
When I started running, I passionately hated it; it was a necessary evil I had to endure to reach an unsatisfactory goal. Today, running has repaid me far more than I have contributed to it. I’m just thankful that I can recognize that.

2 responses to “Untold Riches

  1. Martha B says:

    It is always worth it. Whatever it is… There’s always a Sasquatch at the end of the tunnel. Your running outlook is fantastic!

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